Secretary General
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
Professor, Center Director
Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO)
Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University
Chairman The Danish Council for Independent Research – Natural Sciences
Danish citizen
Born October 8th, 1967 in Ebeltoft, Denmark
Was married with Alice Zhu with two bonus-sons born 1995 and 1997
Brief Biography
Lars Arge was a Professor of Computer Science at Aarhus University, as well as Director of Center for Massive Data Algorithmics (MADALGO) funded by the Danish National Research Foundation.
He obtained his Ph.D. from Aarhus University in 1996 and from 1996 to 2004 he was at Duke University in the US. He worked in the area of algorithms and data structures with main research interest in the area of memory-hierarchy efficient algorithms, especially I/O-efficient algorithms for problems involving big data. He has worked on theoretical big data problems in many fundamental areas, but has also investigated the practical merits of theoretically developed algorithms in several projects. The dual interest in theory and practice has e.g. lead to several open source software packages. Lars was also co-founder and chairman of the company Scalable Algorithmics (SCALGO) established to commercialize I/O-efficient algorithms technology for efficient processing of big terrain data. His research and results have been features numerous times in the media.

“Jeg er sat i verden for at lave grundforskning, som kan blive til rigtige løsninger ude i virkeligheden ret hurtigt faktisk.”
– Lars Arge

- Church: Brabrand Kirke (Engdalsvej 1, 8220)
- Grave location: 1 B1 0526
Et glimt af Lars - Foredrag i Videnskabernes selskab
Et af de mange optagelser af Lars. I denne optagelse bliver der holdt foredrag for videnskabernes selskab omkring big data algoritmer og deres relevans for samfundet.
billeder af Lars
Minder fra Kina helt til Rusland og Schweiz samt fra invitationer til festligheder, herunder droningens nytårskur.

“Og nu skal vi holde tungen lige i munden for det er ikke helt nemt.”
– Lars Arge